HappySeniorHomeOwners Blog

Great News!!! HUD Modifies the Non Borrowing Spouse Rules for Reverse Mortgages Closed before August 4, 2014

November 19th, 2021 12:16 PM by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly

If Your Spouse was not Included in Your Reverse Mortgage Because of their Age, HUD has made some significant changes as to how a Non-Borrowing Spouse are treated after the Borrower Passes or is absent from the property for health reason for a year or more.

Si su Conyuge no fue incluido(a) en su Hipoteca Revertida debido a su edad, HUD ha hecho unos cambios significativos a como se trataría al Cónyuge No-Prestatario al fallecer el/la Prestatario o si se ausenta de la propiedad por razones de salud por mas de un año o mas.

The Official HUD Publication confirming those changes can be read by clicking HERE. If your loan was closed before August 4, 2014 you should consult with your Loan Servicer to learn how they will apply the changes in your case. Get everything in writing and make your Spouse aware of these changes.

La Comunicacion Oficial de HUD confirmando esos cambios puede ser Leida (en ingles) haciendo click AQUI. Si su Prestamo fue cerrado antes de Agosto 4, 2014, debe consultar con el Servicer de su préstamo para ver como van a aplicar esos cambios en su caso. Mantenga todo por escrito y que su Cónyuge este consciente de estos cambios.


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Posted by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly on November 19th, 2021 12:16 PM


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